The Devil's Postpile (think of a log pile) National Monument is a very interesting* stack of distorted basalt columns, which made a nice diversion before heading out towards our ultimate goal for the day, Minaret Lake. There are two ways to get there. Either directly along trails (the John Muir Trail - henceforth called the JMT - and the side trail to Minaret Lake) or over the Sierra High Route (henceforth called the SHR) which involves climbing a scree (henceforth called by its US name - talus) slope to Nancy Pass, and then spending at least a couple of hours traversing a sea of talus to get towards Minaret Lake.
Despite the hard work (we felt) involved getting there via Nancy Pass, Minaret Lake is a truly stunning place to spend your first night...
The next day saw us head off to the right of the sharp spire above, past Lake Cecile (left) and Iceberg Lake, towards Whitebark Pass and 1000 Islands Lake. It's a cute climb out the back of Minaret Lake to Cecile Lake but a pretty trashy descent over talus followed by a traverse of more talus along Iceberg Lake.
After the climb to Whitebark Pass, it was another descent, followed by another more chunky climb to Lake Catherine, which lies west of Banner Peak.
After a pretty hot day, we cooled our heels in Blue Lake (right). Also in this pic is Mt Ritter on the left (though our waterfall is out of shot), and some of the Minarets in about the middle of the shot. Possibly Mammoth Crest in the background to the right, and probably Iron Mountain the final peak on the right in shadow. Whilst these first three days were pretty hard work as we honed our pack fitness, threw off jetlag and colds, each evening we had landed in the most stunning of campsites.
The next day we dropped down to Lewis Creek and followed it up to Vogelsang Pass. By now we had perfected the thermo-regulatory strategy of taking our shirts off, dunking them in the streams and then putting them back on soaking wet before resuming hiking. Startling when first put on, but blissfully cooling as we continued our hike in the middle of a heatwave in California's hottest summer on record.
Left: Vogelsang Lake from Vogelsang Pass. We lunched in a tiny patch of shade near the far end. Over the lip of the lake, we dropped down past the Vogelsang Sierra High Camp (a "chalet" with tent "rooms" and cooked meals, even showers!) to Boothe Lake. A half day's walk further on is Tuolumne Meadows.
The next day (day 6) we started off early as it was a long way to the Great Sierra Mine above Tioga Pass (20km/12mi, 1300m/4265ft climb and 1020m/3346ft descent), and we had to stop by Tuolumne Meadows Post Office to pick up our food. Having picked up our package by 11am, we enjoyed some pretty good burgers at the adjacent fast food joint before heading on for yet another hot afternoon's hiking.
In the first five and a half days (from Devil's Postpile to Tuolumne Meadows) we covered 64km/40mi, climbed up 4700m/15400ft, and down 5012m/16400ft. The second half of this northward section is only three nights long.
As seen on Andrew Purdam's Bushwalking Treasure Box blog.
Disclaimer: The information given is of a general nature only and whilst all care has been taken, no responsibility can be assumed by the author.Conditions change, regulations change. Any reader doing these hikes after reading these notes must show due diligence and be experienced enough to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
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